Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Girls Weekend 2013- Corfu!

One of the places I have always wanted to go was Greece, and now I can say I’ve been there!

I met up with the Bus2Alps people and the rest of my group (Georgie, Claire, Emily, Jess, Mary Kate, Megan, and Molly) on Thursday morning at 5:15. Finding my way from my apartment to the train station by myself was kind of an adventure, but I made it ok! We took a 4-hour train to Ancona, Italy and jumped on a small cruise ship. The cruise was overnight across the Ionian Sea. Twenty hours later, we made it to Greece! But, we still had another hour and a half ferry ride to actually get to Corfu. And then we had a 20-minute bus ride to get to the place we were staying called the Pink Palace (pretty nifty, eh?). But by Friday afternoon we FINALLY made it to our destination!
The view of our cruise ship the next day on the ferry to Corfu!
Friday, I had no problem laying on the beach all day. So, that is exactly what we did. It was kind of strange to think that I was laying out in a swimsuit in November, but was 100% ok with it! I soaked up every ounce of sun I could. I’m pretty sure the words, “I want the sun to eat me alive,” came out of my mouth a few times. Haha. But I definitely have a tan line after this weekend so I’m happy!

That night, there was a Halloween party at the Pink Palace, and unfortunately, I didn’t have a costume, but Claire won a dance contest so that was pretty cool.

Saturday was a very eventful day. At noon we jumped on a booze cruise that left from the Pink Palace. Now, I’ve never been on a booze cruise, so I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. I saw some- how should I say this?- interesting things that day. Things I would’ve been very fine not seeing. But everyone who ran the cruise said our trip was “boring”, and you know what? I’m ok with it being that way! Haha! Overall, it was a great time!
All of us with a few new friends before the booze cruise! (See that little pink boat in the background? Yeah, 90 people fit on that!)
At one point, we stopped at a spot so people could go cliff jumping. Now, me being the chicken I am, I did not participate. But it was cool to watch everyone else! Unfortunately, my friend Emily landed in the water wrong and had to be taken to the hospital in Corfu. She injured her back pretty badly, so that made our whole trip take a huge turn. The rest of the weekend we tried to still have fun, but it was hard since we were so worried about getting updates on her.

Saturday night, we went to a pink toga party. There was a Greek show with dancing, fire performances, and plate smashing. And yes, I got a plate smashed on my head! Opa!!!!!
Part of the Greek performance right as they started smashing plates!
Sunday, we were a little slower to wake up since we were all feeling the effects of the night before. But once we did roll our bottoms out of bed, we spent the rest of the day laying on a beach. Again, I had NO problem with this.
What I did all weekend :)
We left Corfu around 8 pm on Sunday to do the whole adventure in reverse. We finally arrived in Rome Monday at 10 pm, and I had never been so happy to walk into my apartment.

Even though I feel like we did nothing all weekend, I was drained. And somehow I managed to spend 200 euro in the process. Wait, what? Yeah, I don’t know either! But it’s great to be in Rome, sweet Rome. :)

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