Saturday, November 9, 2013

Writing Papers and Staying Out Way Too Late

Wednesday night we had another family dinner. I didn't go to dinner, but I went after for drinks before everyone went out! We went to our typical spot, G-Bar! I have a serious love/hate relationship with that place, but it's the perfect place to start at night!
Megan, me, and Tara feeling badass in our leather jackets!
Thursday was such a fun day of class! Everyone, and I mean close to everyone, was gone from class. It was a really popular weekend to travel, so classes were so small! In Made in Italy, we had about 5 people, and we watched a documentary on fashion. In Cinema, we had 5 people. So, during the movie, I chose to sleep. I woke up 10 minutes after class had ended only because the director came in to turn off the movie! That was an awkward moment! Turns out, everyone else left at different times because they were bored, and I was sound asleep! Then in Italian, we had 5 of the 20-ish people! Our professor, Bruno, was a little offended, and it was hard to stay serious in class. About half way through he just gets up walks out and says, "We are going to go get a drink." So we all jumped out of our seats and went next door to the cafe, and he bought us all cappuccinos! It was awesome. Plus, he is good friends with the lady who owns it, named Sonya. Before she walked away she rubbed my cheek and said something to him in Italian. After she left he told me she said, "This girl is so nice. She's in here every day!" Haha! Busted! I like my morning coffee!

Later that night, Daniela, Tara, Georgie, MaryKate, and I went out for dinner to celebrate Daniela's birthday! We went to a steakhouse (yes, a STEAKHOUSE) in Trastevere called T-Bone Station. I got some salmon with a baked potato. It was fantastic! Even though the food was great, I was more excited that I saw ranch dressing! That's never around! Definitely the first time I've seen it in Europe! I may or may not have drank some of it plain... It was just so good!!!

Friday, I got up early (Like 9 am early, not 6 am early. Don't be ridiculous.) and watched the movie "Life Is Beautiful" for my final paper in cinema! If you haven't seen the movie, you need to. It is so amazing! Definitely a tear-jerker. Then I worked on the paper until 4 pm and got most of it done. Just in the final stages of stretching it.

Later, I met up with Georgie and Bea and we went to dinner at Carlo Menta. (One of the 3 restaurants I've been to in my area. I'm not very adventurous.) After, we went to a bar nearby who only serves chocolate shots. Oh my gosh, they were so good! Great for everyone with a sweet tooth! Then we went to Scholar's to get some drinks. It was a little strange because we've only been to Scholar's on Tuesday nights when there is karaoke, but we figured we would give it a shot! And it was really cool! There was a band that played all Elvis and Beatles covers! They were a hoot to watch! And we met up with a few other people there too. At about one, Bea and I headed back to my area and met up with a few of her Italian friends. It was hilarious trying to talk to them! I tried to speak Italian, and they tried to speak English. Good thing we had Bea in case we were completely stuck! We just sat next to the river, and before we knew it, it was almost 4 am! Finally, Bea and I decided it was time to get some sleep. It was a great night!
Bea, Tara, Georgie, and I at Scholar's!
Then today, when I finally decided to roll out of bed, I attempted to write more papers. But my heart just wasn't in it today. All day, I managed to find more excuses... I went to the grocery store, then I wandered down to a specialty store, then I looked up recipes online, then I added pictures online, and now I'm updating my blog. But don't worry, I'm not out of excuses yet! I'm going to watch "Schindler's List" after this, because I've never seen it, and I feel like I should!

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