Random Thoughts By Rachel

FUTURE: I know I don't need to know my future now. But it's kind of a scary thought knowing that I have absolutely no direction in my life. No career has ever sounded exciting to me, which makes me wonder... Will I ever find my passion? Well, I finally think I might have found an exciting option. I would absolutely love to have an internship with a study abroad program once I graduate from college. I could totally see myself living in Europe for a year, making hardly any money, but traveling around like the young adults with Bus2alps. They love their jobs, and it's the first opportunity that has ever seemed worthwhile. I know I have a long time to worry about my future, but I finally found a passion: Not just traveling around the world, but truly EXPERIENCING the world.

BEING ADVENTUROUS: I've accepted that not every day here is going to be life-changing. It's ok if my day is less exciting and more relaxing. I've discovered new ways to still be adventurous without the big show. One great way is to take a different route home. I have found so many cool restaurants and shops really close to me that way. I also love walking into restaurants and telling the waiters to "surprise me". You never know what foods you will end up with, but I've discovered some great new ones! Taking that kind of chance is pretty adventurous in my book!

BLENDING IN: I've learned the trick to blending in here. Always, and I mean always, look like you know where you are going. Even if you are lost, just keep walking with a blank expression on your face. The more nervous you look, the more you stand out. Then, if you stop to figure out where you are, you become an instant target. Another thing, don't walk with your hand on your purse at all times. That makes you look very nervous, which again, makes you stand out. If you walk with confidence, and always keep moving like you know exactly where you are, locals are less likely to target you as a tourist.

SHOUT OUT: I just want to give a shout out to my parents. I would not be here without your love and support. You make me want to be a better person every single day. I know we don't get to talk to each other as much as we want to, but just know I think about you every single day and cannot wait to share this experience with you. I am the luckiest girl in the world, no matter which side of it I am on. :)

AIR: I will never again complain about air quality in America. I'm convinced there is no such thing as "fresh air" in Rome. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, smokes here. Even young teens smoke. And then with all the pollution from cars and stuff, it really feels like my lungs are going to collapse any second. But at least the streets are filled with the smells of pizza and garlic! :)

BLOG: I am SO happy I decided to do this blog. I love when people read it and tell me how great they think it is. I can tell how rewarding it will be for me in the end. I already look back on it to see how I was feeling those first couple of days and just smile. I’ve never been one to journal about things, but I’m very excited about this new project! I can’t wait to read it all once this experience is over! Until then, ciao ciao!

FASHION: I have had so many people in my program compliment me on my clothes here! People even say I'm so stylish. HAHA! Like, what?! Anyone who knows me back home would not exactly call me stylish, so being here is hilarious. I love it though! What I thought was a weakness of my appearance is being appreciated here!... Furthermore, Italians really have amazing style. They take so many simple pieces and put them all together flawlessly. I've definitely been observing and hopefully my style will improve overtime!

MEAT: I am craving meat like CRAZY here. I feel like a lioness about to tear apart her prey every time we eat a meal. Give me steak! Give me chicken! Give me fish! Anything that isn’t another cheese pizza. Don’t get me wrong, the pizza is absolutely incredible here. (Gusta Pizza is definitely my favorite in Florence). But I need meat. Because I am a carnivore.

WIFI: I will never ever EVER take wifi for granted again. It’s amazing how many places don’t have it. And the places that say they do, have such bad internet that I can’t even check my email. On the other hand though, it’s kind of freeing walking around the city streets without being constantly connected to other people. It makes me appreciate what I am seeing. It makes me feel like I am being, not just doing.

AMORE: I absolutely love the kids in my program. It’s so cool that kids from California, Tennessee, Minnesota, New York, Texas, and Nebraska can all come together, hang out, and become great friends. We are SO different, but it’s really cool to compare our cultures while also being thrown into one so different from America’s.

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