Saturday, December 14, 2013

It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later

Wednesday I had my Rome Through the Ages final! And boy, did it go great! I actually knew the information, so I think I will get the grade I want in that class! Yay!

That night, the girls’ apartment by Termini had a game night! We played a bunch of stupid fun games and some drinking one too (of course). And my team DOMINATED at tippy cup. (Duh!)

STORY TIME! Thursday morning, I tried to be the good daughter and surprise my mom at the airport! Starting at 10:15, I stood at the bus stop for twenty minutes before a police officer came over and told us that everything was shut down for a protest down the street. So, I briskly walked to Largo Argentina with a very lost American family, and by that point I didn’t have time to wait for another bus! I jumped in a cab and finally got to Termini station. I found out my train to the airport left a half hour after I expected, so I treated myself to some McDonalds. Finally, I got on my train and arrived to the airport right at 12:20 (when mom was landing). I waited eagerly in the arrivals area for over 2 hours without any sign of my mom. Crap. Then my confused brain assumed I must have missed her and the poor lady must be standing outside my apartment! Fearing that outcome, I jumped in a cab and raced back to Trastevere. Because of the big protest, I couldn’t get too close to the area. I jumped out of the cab and ran the six blocks home. When I got there, no sign of mom either! I knew I needed to check my email. Sure enough, I had an email from a random man saying my mother missed her flight. Ugh. The whole situation was a mess, but is hilarious to look at now. And finally, at around 8 pm, my buzzer rang, and it was my mom!!!! What a happy reunion that was. :)

That night, everyone in the program, directors, and professors had our goodbye cocktail. It was very fun, but so hard to say goodbye, especially to Marco. I will always love that bald-headed weirdo! Afterward, the students all went to Abbey’s Pub, figuring it was a better venue to say goodbye to each other. We all ate dinner, had a couple drinks, and listened to Claire sing one last time. Later, most of us decided to walk to the Trevi fountain. We made one last wish together, took group pictures, and said goodbye to each other. As emotional as it was, it was truly the best way to say goodbye…
My final wish in the Trevi Fountain. No better way to end the semester.

Friday morning, Mom and I woke up, started cleaning my now empty apartment. (My roommates all left at 4 am for the airport.) We of course had a coffee break during it as well. Then Theo came over before he headed to the train station, and we said our goodbyes. At noon, mom and I left my apartment for the last time, grabbed a cab, and drove the hour and a half to the port to leave for our Mediterranean Cruise!!! (Which I will discuss more in the next post.)

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