Thursday, October 10, 2013

Movies, Wine, and Grocery Store Competitions

Tuesday night, I went on a night tour of the Jewish ghetto in Rome. It was really neat to learn about how the Jewish community was so oppressed for so long but have been able to thrive in the area still today.

An unexpected surprise we had was running into a movie set before our tour started! The area was surrounded by security guards, so we assumed someone famous was around! Unfortunately, that was not the case. (No Ryan Gosling for us!) But, we did find out that it was a British spy film set in the 1960s, so I hope we can find out the name of it soon!
Film crew setting up.
At the end of the tour, we ran into the director talking to some of the actors!
Wednesday night, I went to a wine tasting class at school. Our assistant director, Marco, has his wine certification or something. The whole thing kind of confused me. Haha! But the class was really interesting. We learned how to identify color, recognize smells, and understand what our tongues are sensing. Plus, Marco debunked some myths about wine that might upset my mother. Sorry, Mom!

Today's Italian class was actually pretty fun! Normally, that's the class I struggle with going to the most. It's my last class of the day, after cinema, and there is an hour break right before it! But today we checked our homework and then went to a nearby grocery store. We were split up into pairs and had to run around the store reading labels and writing down prices. It brought out my competitive side, especially when I found out there was extra credit involved! Unfortunately, we don't find out who the winner is until Tuesday, so I'll keep you posted!

But guess what? The weekend is here! Hoorah! Tomorrow we all leave for our trip to Naples and Pompeii, so luckily no one is going out tonight. (Good decision making, kids.) Tonight, I am going to the boys' apartment to help make homemade ravioli. (Ok, I will let those little chefs do the cooking, and I can look pretty and watch!)

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