Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pizza, Police, and The Perfect Bun

Sorry, I've been so bad about updating this!

Monday night, I went to a pizza making class. It was at this apartment of these two gentlemen (who we think are lovers). We made ten pizzas and a cake! It was really fun, except it went really late, so at 10:00, they finally kicked us out! (Plus, they had a super adorable little puppy!)

Tuesday, my Italian class got to skip class to go register with the Roman police. We got on a coach bus and drove an hour away into the gypsy camps. (They were not at all what I expected them to look like. It's just a bunch of run-down trailers.) We sat in a waiting room for over an hour while Marco talked to the police and got all of our passports scanned. We did not even see a police officer while we were there, which I thought was strange. Then we ended up waiting outside the station for almost an hour waiting for the bus to come pick us up. When it did finally come, I thought Marco's head was going to explode! I've never seen him so angry, but he was trying to stay calm in front of all of us. Needless to say, the rest of the students no longer have to go to the station because our process was such a hassle.

Tuesday night, we had another family dinner at the boys' apartment. This time it was brinner! We had three different kinds of pancakes, French toast, and sausage. Plus, they made their own syrup because it is so expensive here! I was thoroughly impressed! Afterward, we went out to our usual bars, G Bar and Scholar’s for some karaoke!

Wednesday was a pretty chill day. I had class as usual and just came home afterward. That night, Theo and I walked around Piazza Navona for awhile. It was nice and a lot better than sitting at home writing papers!

Thursday was an odd day of class. My made in Italy class watched a movie, which was one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever seen. It was called “Stealing Beauty” with Liv Tyler. I was so confused because there was so much unnecessary nudity, and the story line was really strange! Then in my Italian Cinema class, we watched another movie. This time, I could not follow what was going on. About 20 minutes into it, I just gave up and started doing homework. Everyone agreed it was way too confusing. Finally, I had about 30 minutes before my Italian class started, and I was starving! So, a bunch of us went to The Perfect Bun next to school and had a nice lunch. I skipped Italian class, because you know what? I wanted to enjoy my nice lunch with my friends, not feeling rushed, and I hadn’t skipped a day of that class yet, so I didn’t feel guilty! So there!

That night, I went over to Georgie and Tara’s apartment near the Vatican. Eight of us girls went out to dinner, and we each ordered a half liter of wine. The waiter looked really confused and then just laughed. Yes, we are the stupid drunk Americans. Let’s just reinforce that stereotype a little more!

Friday morning, I woke up sick. My ears and throat killed! So, I slept pretty much the whole day and Skyped with my mom that night.

Today, I’m a little better. I convinced myself to get out of bed at noon and go to the store to get some OJ. Other than that, I plan on doing pretty much nothing! Hopefully, I’m better by tonight, so I can try to be social. But we will see!

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