Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Pope and I Are Becoming Besties

Last night, we had our second family dinner. Most of the kids in our program went over to the boys' apartment and ate pasta together. The cool thing is both times people have brought a friend over, so we get to meet other people outside of our program. I love our family dinners, and they are a great way for everyone to catch up if we haven't seen each other in awhile.
Tara, Daniela, and me at family dinner!
This morning, our school gave us the option to go to a papal audience. Unfortunately, it did count as one absence, but our professors totally understood, and some even cancelled their classes! It was so cool to see the Pope again. And this time, we got even closer! Cool, right? But we all dressed in way too many layers for how hot the day was. We very quickly all stripped off some layers after pictures were done.
The group that went to the Vatican this morning! Can you find me? :)
Tara, me, and Georgie. Yes, I realize I have two pictures of Tara in one post. I can't help that she's in a lot of my pictures and I love her so much! 
Told you we were close. This is also without zoom!
After the final blessing, 7 of us girls walked around for awhile. Then we spotted it. It was like heaven was calling down to us in the form of two golden arches. We all power walked towards the restaurant, and ordered ourselves some good ole American comfort food. I even crossed my fingers hoping for some ranch dressing, which was unsuccessful. But hey, at least I asked!
Nuggs and fries. What could be better?
After lunch, we went back towards Vatican City, which was still packed. We realized going inside St. Peter's wasn't going to happen today. (I guess we just need to pick a random morning to go inside, but it will happen eventually.)

When I got home, I was the only one at my apartment, so I showered and headed over to the boys' apartment. I spent pretty much my whole afternoon over there hanging out. We all just got back from dinner, and are planning on doing the touristy things tonight after dark. Some of the most famous sites of the city are the most beautiful at night! Buona sera!

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