Monday, September 30, 2013

A Ray of Sunshine in the Rain

Where the heck did all this rain suddenly come from?!

Last night, I went to the boys' apartment for a little bit. Me, Nick, and Theo walked around to try to find a market or something open, and it started pouring! Me, being the smart girl I am, wore my crappy Old Navy flip flops with absolutely no traction left on them. The ground got so slippery that I couldn't walk and had to get a piggyback ride all the way back. Embarrassing.

Today, I got up and went to class like normal. Then I heard it... The sound of raindrops smashing against the roof. I tried to peek out the window and could tell everything was wet. Very very wet. Wonderful! So I sucked it up and walked 30 minutes through the pouring rain to get to my apartment. The looks I got from people were hilarious. And all I could do was laugh. I laughed hysterically by myself the whole way home, because it was such a cruddy situation and nothing ever seemed so funny in my life.

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