Sunday, September 22, 2013

Arrivederci Firenze e Buon Giorno Roma!

Alright, I survived my Italian final. And it was actually pretty easy. Yay! So after our final, we jumped on a bus (I swear we live on buses) and drove the 4 hours to Rome!
Where we took 4.5 hours of Italian every day.
Never thought it would be so hard to leave Florence. I'll miss it, but I'll be back someday!
Georgie and I trying to entertain ourselves on the bus. Because why sit forward when you can sit backward? (With Reina in the back!) 
When we got to Rome, I wasn't even looking around much. I was more concerned about getting myself and all my belongings to the apartment, because I felt like I had a huge target on my back the whole time.

I'm living in a two bedroom apartment with a bathroom and kitchen area. Honestly, I thought it was a lot nicer than anything I was expecting. It will definitely do. I'm living with Jo from New York, Noah from Utah, and Sara from Virginia. Our landlords are this little old one-armed man named Claudio and his wife, Olga. Cool, right?

Once we got here we had to hand Claudio 300 euro IN CASH. Yeah, imagine me walking around Italy with almost 500 euro in my purse. I had a death grip on that thing!
My room with Jo. As you can see, it didn't take long to settle in. We were just so happy to not be living out of a suitcase anymore.
Our kitchen
Our living room
I love our location for our apartment! It's in an area called Trastevere. (Yup, go ahead and Google it.) It's about a 20 minute walk to school, but it's really close to a lot of stores and restaurants. Our whole group is spread out all around the city, but we live about a block from some of the guys in our group! It definitely makes me more comfortable knowing they are so close to us! (Last night we all went to dinner together. It was cute.)

Then today we had our Rome orientation at our school, which happens to be in the same building as the Prime Minister's office! Afterwards, our directors gave us a little tour of important places around school like grocery stores and places to eat. Then they fed us! I'm loving all these free meals they give us! Want to take a guess as to what we had for lunch? Pizza? Pasta? Panini? Nope! As an appetizer they brought out super nachos and buffalo wings. What?! I know, it blew my mind too. Then we all noticed the bottles of ketchup and mustard on the tables. And they served us.... CHEESEBURGERS AND FRENCH FRIES! Holy crud-a-moli! We were so excited. I think half the group was about ready to hit up McDonald's, so cheeseburgers were just what we needed. We will definitely remember that restaurant for the future.


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