Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Classes, Again.

I forgot to post this yesterday...

Classes today were great! First, I had Made in Italy. We talked today about stereotypes of both Americans and Italians. It was a fun class, and the professor seems like she has so much knowledge about to burst out of her. Also, my class only has about 15 students, so I feel really comfortable speaking up in class instead of hiding like I normally do. Then I sat in History of Italian Cinema. I had a good idea of what the class was going to be, but already it has exceeded my expectations. Yes, we watch movies, but today we started talking about how WWII affected the growth and distribution of films. Pretty fascinating. Oh, and the class is taught by the same professor as my morning class!

Finally, I had Basic Italian. Now, after taking an intensive 2 week class, I was not looking forward to taking MORE Italian language classes. After my final, I kind of just shut down that part of my brain. But golly gee wizz, my professor is a character! He is this very flamboyant 49-year-old Italian man. He bounces around with so much energy and doesn't make you feel stupid for not knowing how to say something. Those two hours today flew by! I think I will definitely like him.

Then tonight we had a family dinner! Twenty or so of us squeezed into the boys' apartment, the boys cooked, and we all ate together! It was a really cool experience. I love the people in my program so much! <3

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