Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Lean" On Me

As I sit here thinking about what to write about Pisa, I want to give you all a mental picture. It's a sunny day. I'm sitting on my hotel balcony watching two restaurant owners have a very heated conversation that I can slightly understand, and I'm eating Bacio and caffe gelato. Isn't it wonderful? Gosh, I love this place.

Anywho, yesterday after class, we went as a group to Pisa! You know, that place with the leaning tower? We left the hotel at 2:30 and drove the hour and a half-ish to Pisa. Once we got there, I instantly felt uncomfortable. The AIFS directors kind of warned us that it wasn't the nicest place, and they weren't kidding. Our bus stopped, and we were surrounded by illegal immigrants trying to sell us stuff. It made us all feel pretty uncomfortable. We walked down blocks of people staring at us and selling random items (mostly umbrellas, which I thought was strange). But we scurried along and finally made it to the tower.

We took the very stereotypical leaning tower of Pisa pictures, and within an hour, we all met back up to go back to the bus. An hour was plenty of time to spend there, because there is literally NOTHING else in Pisa worth seeing. Not my favorite place we've been thus far.

But, I'm glad I went because I want to take advantage of all the opportunities handed to me! And the bus ride back wasn't so bad with Claire giving us a little concert to our director, Marco! :)

I hoped it would fall over while we were there. It didn't.
Some kids in the program stopped by McDonald's in Pisa, because, why not?
Then today we had another 4.5 hours of Italian. And yes, I still have NO idea what's going on! Haha! I guess I know what I will be doing tonight!

At 2, Georgie and I went to grab some lunch. Georgie is an absolute sweet heart. She reminds me a lot of my friend Megan from high school. Anyway, we went to this restaurant right next to the hotel that I stare at every day! It's right outside my balcony, so it's fun to people watch customers there. We sat outside, and our waiter was so funny! Oh, and I tried muscles. No thank you, never again.

Paperorosso! The place Georgie and I grabbed lunch! (Taken from my hotel balcony)
I ate muscles. Not my fave.

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