Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Airports Are Interesting Places

First off, I left my house at 7:30 am this morning to head to the Des Moines airport. The drive felt so long because the anticipation was overwhelming.

Saying goodbye to my family was of course hard. I cried all the way through security and as I walked to my gate. I’m sure I looked crazy to most people.

The flight from Des Moines to Chicago was laughably short. It took longer to take off and land than it did to actually get there. I couldn’t even get through a magazine.

This leads me to another thought… When in the world did I become afraid of flying?! I have been on plenty of flights, including international flights, but this one gave me so much anxiety. I felt so nervous at one point that I grabbed the barf bag… Just in case. Strange, isn’t it? I guess I will see how the overnight flight goes!

I have learned something today too: Young people must not fly alone much. I have been stared at more today than I have in my entire life. And it wasn’t the “Daaaaannnggg gurl!” stare that creepy guys do. It was the “Oh you poor girl, where is your mommy?” look. Hahahahaha but people have been so willing to help today, which is wonderful.

Now I’m sitting in the Chicago airport (which is AWESOME, by the way) all by myself, waiting for my 6:00 pm flight to London. But hey, don’t worry about me, there are plenty of food options here to put my in a food coma on the plane until I wake up in London!

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