Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Could Only be a Dream

Oh my goodness. Tonight was wonderful!

Well, today's Italian class was pretty tough. It's really hard to keep up with the fast pace, but luckily all of us are in the same situation. Our first quiz (or "queetz" how the teachers pronounce it) is tomorrow morning! Wish us all luck!

Tonight we went to a wine tasting in a castle. Yes, a castle. Seriously, who can say they've done that?! Me! But it was beautiful. And I didn't think the wine was bad. (Most people know I am NOT a fan of wine, so that's saying a lot.) I liked their white wine better, even though the area is famous for their Chianti. Oops.
Isn't it gorgeous?!

I think the wine is aged enough. Don't ya think?
2500 bottles of wine in each one. Bottoms up!
My roommate, Jo! She's from New York and an absolute sweetheart!
When we got back to the hotel, me, Sara, Nick, and Theo went and got some more gelato! Can't ever have enough of the stuff! This time I tried watermelon, cantaloupe, chocolate chip, and more pistachio! (We all shared!)

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