Sunday, September 29, 2013

Papa Francesco

Not a bad way to start off my Sunday. Jo and I got up early to meet Alessandro and his friend from Naples in Vatican City. We grabbed a couple cappuccinos and a pastry on the way and made the 30 minute walk. The streets were jammed. We could tell we were getting closer and closer to St. Peter's just by the number of people. You know all those pictures you see with thousands of people crammed inside the square? That's exactly what it looked like. So many people (every race, religion, and nationality) all together celebrating the Catholic faith. Beautiful.

Every Sunday, Pope Francis does a mass outside and then addresses the public from his window. Today, things were slightly different. At about noon the mass ended, and I noticed the Pope mobile pulling up to the entrance of St. Peter's. You've got to be kidding me. He's actually going to drive around?! So Jo and I weaseled our way closer to the barricades and stood our ground. Sure enough, after greeting all the other priests that were at the mass, he jumped in the car. After a couple minutes, he drove right past us. It was insane. He gives off such an crazy energy where you can just feel how influential he really is. He is the leader of everything I believe in and my direct link to God on this earth. And I was feet away from him. Unbelievable.
We were pretty close to a screen. I wish I could understand what the Pope was saying!
All the green people outside are other priests. You can't see the Pope in this picture.
There he is! Pope Francis. 
Unfortunately, I was unable to go inside St. Peter's after that madness because of all the thousands of people inside the square. But Alessandro lives in the area, so I'm sure we will be back soon enough!

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