Monday, September 23, 2013

And the Real Classes Have Begun!

My first class today was at 9:00. It took about a half hour to walk to school, but thanks to our roommate Jo, Sara and I had perfect directions to school! Today, I had Classical Mythology, Rome Through the Ages, and History of the Italian Mafia. My mythology professor is from England, so she's really fun to listen to. My Rome professor is so fun! He has so much energy and definitely isn't hard to stare at! ;) Then there is Mafia. I have to get out of that class. The professor is SO monotone. It's so distracting that I really don't think I would enjoy the class at all. So tomorrow I'm going to check out the Italian Cinema class as well as going to my Made In Italy and Basic Italian classes!

After class today Daniela, Sara, and I went to the grocery store. Finally! I spent about 65 euro, but I don't even care. Now I have some snack foods and quick things for breakfast. And olives. Can't ever forget the olives. But me being the overachiever, I thought I could easily carry all my items in two plastic sacks. I was sooooo wrong. It turned into me and Sara waddling the block home and just cracking up as my bags started ripping. But hey! I got everything home in the end!

At 6:00, we went back to school for an art tour. You know, they do a really bad job of describing these tours. Instead of looking at different art works, we ended up going around and seeing some of the most famous sites of Roma! I am so happy we decided to go! (Pictures below)
The Pantheon
Trevi fountain
Spanish steps
Side note: there are police EVERYWHERE here. And they travel in packs. I'm guessing it has something to do with the recent scandals with the Italian Prime Minister. Maybe they are worried riots will break out? Not sure, but I feel super safe everywhere I go now! Haha! And it helps that the most beautiful men here are police officers! Seriously, like supermodels. I would take pictures if I could.
Polizia in autobus!
After the tour Alessandro, Jo, Sara, and I decided to walk back to the Vatican area where Alessandro lives. And of course, we had to stop by Vatican City to get some beautiful pictures. (One thing I would love to do is go to the Vatican on a Wednesday and see the pope address the crowds. I just think that would be so cool.) Once we decided to head home, we thought it would be a good time to try out the bus system. We waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, we gave up and just called a cab. Better luck next time!
St. Peter's
Now I'm back home, sitting in bed, and can't even think about doing anything but going to bed. I'm so tired that I couldn't even get myself to make dinner. So tonight, dinner consisted of yogurt, raisins, a few olives, and pringles. You go girl.

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