Sunday, September 15, 2013


Venice. I think every person at some point in their life has wanted to go to Venice. And they should. It’s beautiful. Friday, we all got up and left the hotel at 9 am. We drove the 4-ish hours (No one really knew, because we all slept through it.) to the very sketchy-looking bus stop. After a quick boat ride, we made it to our hotel. Cute little rooms with the same bright red color everywhere! Quite the sight. We went to a couple museums and churches, one of which had St. Mark’s body inside (How cool!).
At the top of St. Mark's church.
After working so hard to try to not look like tourists, Daniela and I get handed these head sets for our tour. Game over.
But of everything, my favorite thing we did was get ourselves lost. Marco (our assistant director of AIFS) told us that if you take one wrong turn in Venice, you’re lost. He was so right. But, by getting lost, we found Grom (the best gelato place EVER), cute shops (I bought a purse), and awesome restaurants that not many tourists would find. We also found a lot of great street performers and could hear the gondola rowers singing in the canals!
Everything looked so peaceful.

Saturday was full of adventure. Daniela and I, with a couple other people, decided we wanted to go to the beach. Awesome idea, right? Wrong. The two of us ended up wandering around for an hour trying to figure out how to buy tickets for the water taxis. Then, we had to take a 40-minute boat ride to get to the beach. But once we got there it was so wonderful. People-watching at beaches in Venice was HILARIOUS. I don’t think I saw a single man wearing anything but speedos. Gross. But it was so much fun and a much needed time to relax!
Pigeons are evil here! They swoop down and land on you! These people were feeding them.
Trying to tan on the beach. It was so beautiful!
Check out my new tab "Random Thoughts By Rachel"! Because, guess what? I have lots of random thoughts and no organized place to put them. Ciao ciao! :)

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