Friday, September 27, 2013

Opening Wine Isn't This Hard

Wednesday night we had a "9 hole" event where we went around to each of our apartments in Rome! Each apartment was in charge of making a drink, but the main point of it was so we could all see each other's places! It was really cool, but there was A LOT of walking involved. After 3 hours, we managed to hit 6 different locations, with mine being one of the last! Of course our drink was the crowd favorite! Just kidding, it was actually pretty bad. Haha, oops!

Thursday came a little too soon for some people. Quite a few took their first absence of the semester, but not me! I made it to my 9 am class just fine. Then the power went out in our part of the city and was down for a couple hours! So of course they had to cancel my cinema class, because you can't watch movies without power! It was great! Everyone in my class went out for food or went shopping or whatever! It was kind of a nice surprise. Unfortunately, my Italian class afterward was not cancelled.

For dinner Danny, Nick, and I went and tried out another place by our apartment. It's super cheap and takes our meal vouchers! Score! I got a huge plate of spaghetti and water (yes, you pay for water here) for 8 euro! It was quite the steal. Then we walked around for awhile and just ended back at their place with a couple other people and hung out all night!

Today, I woke up at 10:30. It is so wonderful not having classes on Fridays! Then I made myself some breakfast, showered, and met up at school with Daniela, Tara, and Georgie. We walked to Via del Corso, which is a HUGE street of shops! It was a lot of fun, and I bought a really cute shirt for 19 euro! Even though we have the store in America, it's still special because I bought it here! (At least, that's what I keep telling myself.)

STORY TIME! On my way home, I remembered that our apartment did not have a wine bottle opener, so I decided to stop and grab one. When I got home, I thought, "Wow, a nice glass of wine would be perfect right now with my snack." So, I started to open my bottle with this brand spanking new opener. Things were going great, until... SNAP! The freaking metal bottle opener breaks inside the cork, which is half way out already. Just my luck. So, I yell to Jo and we tried to brain storm ways to get it open. Pliers? Don't have any. Scissors? Almost broke them. Finally Jo grabs the can opener. TA DA! Jo is a miracle worker. After all that stress, I am enjoying this glass of wine even more now. And I paired it with some fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and olives. Yum!
Here's the visual of my traumatic experience.

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