Saturday, September 28, 2013

Holy Cannoli!

This afternoon Jo and I went shopping at some of the cute shops between our apartment and school. It's crazy how different the clothes are here! I almost bought a really pretty dress but couldn't get myself to spend 120 euro on a dress I would hardly wear. Good call, Rach! Luckily though, Jo was very successful! Then I finally gave into Jo and Alessandro's requests and had my first cannoli!
The life-changing moment. Actually pretty darn good, but still not better than gelato. Sorry, Jo!
After that, I met up with Georgie, Tara, and Katie to head to another part of town where Georgie's friend, Bea, lives. Bea was a foreign exchange student at Georgie's high school, and she lives in Rome! We went to her apartment and she cooked spaghetti carbonara for us! It was so delicious and a really great way to immerse ourselves in the culture.

Unfortunately, Georgie and I had to duck out early for a Colosseum at night tour! We got so lost on the way there and felt really uncomfortable with the area we found ourselves in, so we decided just to head back to Georgie's apartment. Although I'm upset that I missed out on the experience and lost ten euro in the process, I really realized tonight that safety is everything here.

Because of our very interesting adventure, Georgie decided to head to bed. So Bea, Tara, Katie, and I went back to my apartment to get ready for the evening festivities. We walked around Trastevere and met up with some of Bea's friends, who all happen to be in medical school. (Smarty pants!) Some spoke a lot of English and some spoke no English. We sat at a bar for a couple hours, drank a beer, and just laughed at how funny our language barrier was. It was such a fun and chill night. And they taught us how to curse in Italian, so don't piss me off! :)

Now I'm home, remembering the crazy day I just had. So much happened today that it's really hard to believe it was all in the course of 24 hours. But I guess these days are the ones I will remember the most.

Buona notte!

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